Michelle Jarman, MS, APRN, CNP, PMNHP-BC, PHN

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Call 763.220.2312 to book your appointment.

Michelle Jarman, MS, APRN, CNP, PMNHP-BC, PHN

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

My name is Michelle Jarman and I am a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. I received my Master of Science degree from the University of North Dakota and have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from South Dakota State University. In my role, I work with clients of all ages providing psychiatric assessments, medication management services, and supportive psychotherapy for all mental health conditions. I offer a holistic, collaborative, evidence-based, individualized treatment approach to achieve best client outcomes.

I work closely with each client to develop a treatment plan that is specific to their symptoms and needs. I believe that educating clients about mental health conditions and providing options for treatment is an essential part of the treatment process. If medication is appropriate, prescription regimens will be customized for each person, along with close follow up to monitor efficacy and safety. For those who are not comfortable taking medication, we will discuss other approaches that can improve mental health symptoms. It is my goal for my clients to be a part of the decision-making process and to feel confident with their plan.

My husband and I have been married for 36 years, have seven children and five grandchildren. I am passionate about strengthening and preserving the family unit and supporting and encouraging parents in every stage of their parenting journey.

Contact us to find out more and see if Northwest Family Counseling is the best fit for you.

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